
Mom's Garden: Early Spring Mix

It is so hard to believe that I'm talking about a spring mix of flowers in February. February! *shakes head in dismay* But, that's the crazy we get in Southern California. While a lot of people are sitting under feet of snowdrift, I'm outside in flip-flops picking daffodils... go figure.
Today's bunch is a luscious group of daffodils, white and green hellebore, snowflakes  {if you aren't totally obsessed with hellebore & snowflakes, you should be}, maidenhair fern and a few sprigs of blooming rosemary. Looks great on the sill above the kitchen sink.

Can I tell you how obsessed I am with these things?! 
*eye-roll and sigh* Ugh, man are these awesome!


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Monthly Obsession: Online Mags

Print magazines may be declining in readership {noo!!} in recent years, but there has been a recent uptick in online-only magazines. There are a few that I am completely obsessed with {I'm sure loads more people as well}. Topics range from gardening & cooking to fashion, design & DIY crafts. These mags are just so great, so visually inspiring... it's like... like... aaaahh! completely addicting, can't get enough of it...  crack eye-candy. There are so many that it seems a bit daunting to keep up with them all - but, I don't care! I will stay up reading until the wee hours and forge ahead in my dedication to all forms of visual & literary awesomeness!
Check them out, as I'm sure you will become smitten with them as well.

In-print magazines that I should in all honestly, because they are also so totally wonderful, get a lifelong subscription to: Anthology and Uppercase


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Sliding Doors

Spring Garden Party
In my almost-entirely-possible, not-quite-alternate reality where I have a huge backyard, gather all my fabulous friends on a picture-perfect afternoon and laugh heartily through the evening...

My garden aplenty would be the decor, like this.

I'd throw on this dress & this straw hat and these bangles
No shoes, so I could sqidge my toes in the grass.
while serving thisthis and this.


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