
Project Bake | Dog Biscuits

Yes, homemade dog biscuits! You knew it had to come sometime, right?
So, I'm not uber on top of everything that goes in my dog's mouth, but he does get digestive issues from time to time so I have to be a bit more aware of what he eats than a lot of dog owners. Some people have to be careful because of allergies and whatnot. I found out that a lot of dog treats & chews out there have glycerin in them {it's what makes the treat chewy}. Glycerin is not something a dogs stomach can digest and can often cause digestive problems... especially if the dog eats large chunks at a time.
I'm of the general opinion, since Obie probably gets enough processed and preservative-filled ingredients through various means {kibble, medication, plastic/rubber toys, etc.}, why compound it by giving him treats that are chalk full of the stuff? Especially since dog biscuits are so darn easy to make! If you have a pup and you like to know exactly what they are eating, a super simple way to start is with treats.

I came across a collection of recipes from a post on Apartment Therapy's The Kitchn that looked pretty easy to try. So, after choosing 2 that had similar ingredients {lets face it, it was lazy grocery shopping}, I went out and picked up the ingredients and a dog bone-shaped cookie cutter {which, in hindsight was waaay too big, but is now just an excuse for me to go get another, smaller one} and got to work.
{note that the recipes I used included ingredients to which some dogs may have allergies. There are lots of dog biscuit recipes out there, find the one that is right for your pet}
Have Fun!

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