
Weekend Bake Project - Salted Caramel Brownies

I've recently had this obsession with chocolate-coated salted caramels. Perfectly sweet with a zing of salt in every other chew. **heavenly**
I've hunted them down in various places around the city and online because caramel is not something I'm about to subject my saucepans to without proper supervision (see: my mother)... One day I saw these beauties and thought that maybe this could be a weekend bake project.

So, I attempted to make these awesome little things, but neglected to use the correct recipe. And, I guesstimated about thinning the caramel down with evaporated milk (bad idea)... so, while still delicious, it wasn't quite what I was going for. I will perfect these and make the most super-amazing chocolate caramel salted brownies EVER!
...to be continued.


Happy Memorial Weekend!

The official summer kick-off weekend always makes me think of sleeping in, poolside BBQ, sunshine, beer koozies, and laughter. (And for those of you in NYC, there is of course, Fleet Week)
Have a good one!


In the Beginning

So, here is my first blog post. {no pressure} I've been thinking about starting one of these for a little while, and have finally decided to bite the bullet. I don't intend for this to be where I wax poetic about existential nonsense. It's just an opportunity for me to show you what inspires me, as well as fun adventures that may befall me. Being of the more visual persuasion, I'm hoping that this blog will be filled with yummy imagery that will inspire you as well.
