
Monthly Obsession - Succulents & Carnivorous Pants

This edition of Monthly Obsession goes to Succulents & Carnivorous Plants!
It's sad that these plants sometimes get overlooked because they don't usually have big, over the top flowers or are just plain weird/creepy. Both succulents & carnivorous plants are pretty remarkable, evolving out of stressful environments: the need to retain water & moisture or supplementing lack of nutrients in soil. These are seriously determined plants.

Succulent Plants
These guys {I think} have gotten a bit more popular because of the rise in eco-mindedness {is that even a word?} due to their drought-tolerant nature. For those of us apartment dwellers without gardens, they are great windowsill additions and are pretty low maintenance!
Succulents, most native to dry, arid conditions {cacti are also included in the succulent category, the difference is that they have spines}, store water in their leaves and/or stems (resulting in that more "fleshy" appearance and the goo that comes out if broken in half, like the Aloe plant) and have an overall structure that is engineered specifically to absorb and retain water. It's quite brilliant when you think of it... leaf shape & growth pattern to better catch water, some succulents even have tiny hairs that harness moisture to create little sub-climates! Some succulents even look like rocks.
There is an enormous variety available in every shape and size you can imagine. They have amazing texture and color when clustered together in little vignettes.
pics above 1, 2, 3, 4

Carnivorous Plants
Some people may get really creeped out when thinking about carnivorous plants. {insert Rick Moranis joke here} But, in reality they are pretty darn awesome. Not only can they be quite pretty, but when you think about it, they are seriously inventive! Booby traps, disguises, lures, trip wires, you name it. See? Cool. It's like something out of James Bond movie... or, maybe The Goonies. The only problem with these plants is they can be a bit finicky if not taken care of properly, so be sure to read up on them if you're thinking of adopting any of these little dudes.
Check out a seriously extensive gallery of carnivorous plant images here
Watch this totally awesome episode of Discovery Life on Venus Flytraps here
pics above 1, 2, 3

When paired together, succulents and carnivorous plants can be really beautiful, not to mention a conversation starter! Here's some cool products featuring this Monthly Obsession:
Top images via here & here


Project Adventure: The Little Red Lighthouse

This edition of Project Adventure was accomplished before the blogging began, but I thought I'd share it with you anyway because it was just so cool.
Within a few months of my moving to New York, Mom (in California) read an article about The Little Red Lighthouse that sits on the Hudson River, perched just below the George Washington Bridge in Manhattan. The lighthouse was made famous in 1942 by the children's book The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Grey Bridge. A cute story of a little lighthouse who thought he was no longer useful when the huge grey bridge was built next to him, only to realize later that he is more important than he thinks. The lighthouse was almost dismantled in 1951, but was saved by the public and was landmarked by NYC Preservation Committee. You can now go visit and {when it's open} climb up to the top into the lantern room.
So, almost 8 years later, when Mom was out for a visit, we finally decided to make the trek and see it for ourselves. Lots of walking, but it was a great afternoon!
It's a rather nice subway ride up to 181st Street, then a jaunt up and down hills to a footbridge over the Parkway and then a steep walk down and around Fort Washington Park, underneath the George Washington Bridge. Watch out for cyclists - those guys haul down the hill!
We went on a rather cool day in the spring, but in the summer, this little adventure may be a bit steamy with all the walking up and down hills. Go check it out!


Sliding Doors

In my alternate reality, where I have a big apartment, a huge closet and lots of time & money...
  I would decorate with this settee

 I would wear this dress

 I would make these hydrangea cupcakes



Project 365: Milestone Day 22

So, I've been at it for 22 days now... it's actually pretty fun, trying to find interesting pics from my day. If anything, it's an amazing way to get you to look at your daily life in an entirely different way. Often, you realize that your life is a lot more beautiful than you think.
Lets hope I can keep it going!    See all of them here


Project Adventure: My Backyard

Yesterday I went out around my neighborhood to find a couple of the Pianos that are in my area as a part of an art project called "Play Me I'm Yours". It was a beautiful evening, so I brought my fancy-dan new camera with me to experiment! {I love birthdays. Thanks Mom & Dad!}
It was such an utterly wonderful sunset and big-white-puffy-cloud-lighted moment! Thought I'd share a few cool photos from my afternoon.