
Sliding Doors

In my alternate reality where I have endless time, and endless storage space to create an
Amazingly Crafty Wonderland
Here's some of what would be in my bottomless toolbox:

1. Lots and lots of washi tape {you know I love washi tape}
2. Xyron Wishblade custom die-cutter
3. Every color of baker's twine ever created
6. bonsai shears (they're great for trimming plants)
8. X-Acto knives that never go dull and a really great ruler
7. Glitter in every color imaginable 
4. Endless supply of Glue Dots & spray adhesive
5. Prismacolor markers & pastels in every color they make
9. Really, really pretty paper {that never costs any money}

And really pretty furoshiki cloth to wrap up all my crafty gifts.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many pretty items here! Makes me want to do DIY :) Love furoshiki (that's japanese!) cloth :) xo akiko
    Style Imported
